Join the Scientific Society of the School of Management and Psychology in Poznań


We are pleased to announce that the Student Scientific Society of the School of Management and Psychology in Poznań will start operating this year under the supervision of Prof. Henryk Mruk and MSc Adam Baśkiewicz
We welcome students from all Departments of our School.
If you are interested in research, participating in scientific conferences and want to address challenges of our time and at the same time expand your
scientific achievements, this is an initiative for you!

Membership of the Student Scientific Society enables you to:
 Participate in study visits
 Meet cross-disciplinary specialists
 Discover and exchange ideas
 Develop management and psychology competences and skills
 Collaborate with young scientists
 Participate in scientific conferences
 Create scientific publications
 Establish professional networking
 Co-create podcasts
Gain knowledge, skills and test your achievements.
If you want more information, please contact the founder of the Scientific Society, a student of
Management, Mrs. Katarzyna Zalisz ( )
