

The obligatory core subjects of the Management degree program in the first semesters of study give you a broad foundation of knowledge and competences to help you choose the right major course. 
Each major course comprises four subjects conducted during the last two semesters of studies. Lectures and small interactive classes are led by instructors with experience in business, law and behavioral sciences as well as scholars with profound academic achievements in economics and law.



Tuition fees


Meet our lecturers


Major courses to be selected - bachelor's degree studies:

  • Marketing and e-commerce
  • Business psychology
  • Customer service
  • Business management
  • Project management
  • Accounting
  • HR and payroll
  • Logistics management
  • Sales manager


Major courses to be selected - master's degree studies:

  • Business innovations and AI
  • Coaching
  • Brand management
  • Business negotiations
  • Accounting and finances
  • HR and payroll
  • International trade and logistics
  • Management in health care