
Book online

With your comfort in mind, we have launched the service of ordering books from the collection of the WSZiP Library by electronic means.

 To place an order, complete the form and then send an e-mail to the Library - In the title of the message, please enter: Zamawiam książki.

You can order books that are not currently borrowed by another reader. The books will be waiting for collection at the Library.

Go to the directory:



The library's book collection is divided into two parts - the reading room and the lending room.

Books from the reading room available on the spot or by photocopying, upon presentation of a valid student ID.

Books from the lending room are made available for a period of up to 2 months. The deadlines for returning books borrowed home can also be extended by e-mail by another month, in total a book from the rental office can be on the reader's account for up to 3 months.


The library provides full access to information needed by students and employees of WSZiP in Poznań. 

The library has extensive book collections, including magazines - in the field of management, banking, marketing, economics, finance, accounting, statistics, mathematics, law, administration, political science, IT , psychology and philosophy. There are also general publications (encyclopedias, dictionaries, lexicons, the latest bibliographies).

There are computer workstations at the disposal of students in the library.



Publishing house

The Scientific Forum Publishing House has been established to prepare textbooks for students of WSZiP in Poznań.

We enable our employees to publish the results of scientific research in scientific journals published since 1996. First, they were "Scientific Papers" and, since 2001, "Scientific Forums", which were the result of research conducted within scientific institutes.

Among the nearly 200 published publications, there are also post-conference collections and jubilee books devoted to outstanding professors.

All items are available in the library and reading room of WSZiP.